Power can also be supplied from a 12-volt bat-
tery or filtered power supply.
R100 System Features
• True-diversity system with Secure-Phasetm cir-
cuitry ensures maximum range and freedom
from interference
• Permanently attached, specially-tuned anten-
nas are easy to position
• RCV: VHF microphone receiver has smooth,
accurate response
• Well-designed companding and audio circuitry
insure high signal-to-noise ratio and excellent
sound quality
• GRV: VHF guitar receiver is specially designed
to handle the transients of a guitar
• Choice of handheld, bodypack, lavalier, head-
set and guitar systems
The R100 Series receivers are easy to set up and
operate. The only controls are the adjustable out-
put level and squelch controls. The antennas are
permanently attached telescoping types that are
easy to position and are tuned to the range of op-
eration. An optional rack-mount kit allows two sys-
tems to be mounted in a single rack space.
• Permanently attached antennas make setup
quick and easy. Receivers can be rack-
mounted with optional kit.
• Wide-range continuously-adjustable line-level
audio output
HTV Handheld Transmitter
• Electro-Voice MC500 cardioid dynamic micro-
phone transducer.
• Designed and manufactured in the United
States of America
• Separate LEDs for power on and battery status
for easy monitoring of operational modes.
The Electro-Voice R100 is a series of VHF wire-
less systems that combine EV’s legendary quality
and reliability with high value. The R100 Series
transmitters and receivers operate in the VHF fre-
quency range between 174.100 and 185.350 MHz
(channels 7 – 8 in the TV band) on single frequen-
cies. The well-designed audio circuitry ensures
high signal-to-noise ratio with accurate sound
• Separate power and audio mute switches for
operational flexibility.
• Wide-range gain control allows approximately
30 dB of adjustment.
• Special “soft-touch” finish and ergonomically
designed handle makes holding comfortable
and secure.
• Up to 10 hours of operation on a 9-volt alkaline
The R100 Series receivers utilize patented Se-
cure-Phasetm diversity circuitry that provides the
strongest, cleanest signal possible. Unlike other
diversity circuits that switch antennas, Secure-
Phasetm utilizes the signal from both antennas at
all times to increase signal strength, minimize
dropouts and lower the potential for interference.
Bodypack Transmitters
• A variety of models are available:
• BLV: VHF bodypack with hardwired OLM10
omni-directional lavalier condenser microphone
• BPV: VHF bodypack with TA4F connector al-
lows the user the freedom of microphone se-
If the signal from the transmitter changes phase
or polarity (a common cause of dropouts), the cir-
cuit adjusts the phase angle between the two an-
tennas receiving circuits to prevent cancellation.
• BEV: VHF bodypack with hardwired Electro-
Voice HM2 cardioid headset condenser micro-
R100 Secure-Phasetm Diversity Receiver
• Secure-Phasetm diversity for maximum range
and reliable performance
• BGV: VHF guitar bodypack with hardwired
cable and ¼-inch connector with specially de-
signed audio circuitry to handle guitar tran-
• Clean, undistorted sound reproduction using
proprietary compander circuitry
• Separate on/off and large mute switches for
operational flexibility
• Wide-range adjustable audio output via line
level ¼-inch connector
• LED battery condition indicator gives quick indi-
cation of battery strength
• May be rack mounted with optional kit
• Up to 10 hours of operation on a 9-volt alkaline
• External AC power adapter minimizes noise
and makes voltage changes easy if necessary.
page 3
5. Turn the output level control (see Figure 1) on
the front panel to the 12:00 o’clock position
(midway in the control’s range).
To get your system into operation quickly, use the
following instructions. Review the rest of the manual
for additional setup and operational details.
6. Setup and adjust the transmitter level as de-
scribed on the following pages.
1. Place the receiver where there is a clear line
of sight to the area where the transmitter will
be used. Extend the receiver’s antennas to
full length and separate them 90 degrees (see
Figure 1).
7. Turn up the level on the mixer or preamp to
the desired setting.
8. Speak into the microphone or strum the instru-
ment and, if necessary, adjust the receiver’s
output until the volume level from the wireless
system approximates the level of an equivalent
wired microphone or instrument.
2. Make sure the sound system’s volume is low
or off on the input you intend to use for the
9. “Walk” the expected area of use to check for
dropouts or interference. If problems occur,
see the troubleshooting section.
3. Plug in the receiver’s power adapter into an
AC outlet and the other end into the receiver.
CAUTION: Please make sure that the AC
adapter is the correct voltage for your lo-
cal requirements.
4. Plug one end of your audio cable (not sup-
plied) into the output connector on the front
panel of the receiver.
Figure 1
Figure 2
or high (distortion), adjustments are neces-
sary. Gently insert the provided screwdriver
(or other 3/32-in. flat head screwdriver) into
the hole near the head of the transmitter (see
Figure 4). Turn lightly until the screwdriver
tip drops into the slot in the level control. Gen-
tly turn counterclockwise until the control
stops (the mic output is attenuated but not
“off”). Slowly turn the mic-level control while
listening to the audio. If the audio becomes
distorted, turn the mic level control counter-
clockwise about 1/8 turn.
1. Insert battery. Slide open the battery com-
partment cover by pressing lightly with your
thumb on the horizontal grooves (at the back
end of the transmitter) while gently pulling
back (see Figure 2).
2. Turn on the transmitter by sliding the power
switch (nearest the battery compartment) for-
ward, toward the mic element. Both red and
green LEDs above the power switch should
be illuminated, indicating power on and good
battery condition.
6. Adjust the squelch control if necessary.
The squelch control on the back of the re-
ceiver may be adjusted to increase range or
reduce interference. Turn the control counter-
clockwise to increase range. Caution! In-
creasing the range will make the system
more susceptible to outside interference!
If the squelch is being adjusted, turn the
transmitter off. Turn the squelch control
counter-clockwise until you hear noise or in-
terference. Then, turn the squelch clockwise
until the noise is gone.
3. Check reception. Observe that the audio
carrier light on the front panel of the receiver
is illuminated, an indication that the receiver is
picking up the signal. Then, “walk” the in-
tended area of use and make sure that there
are no barriers to reception or sources of in-
4. Unmute the audio by sliding the audio switch
(immediately below the mic element) towards
the windscreen.
5. Adjust the gain if necessary. First, speak or
sing into the microphone and listen closely for
distortion or hiss. If the gain is too low (hiss)
page 4
Figure 3
Figure 4
5. Turn on the audio transmission by sliding
1. Insert battery. Open the hinged battery com-
partment by placing your thumb or finger on
the indent on the battery door and pull down.
When inserting the battery, pay attention to
the polarity (+/-) and insert the terminals first
into the battery compartment. Close the bat-
tery door by sliding the door shut.
the large mute switch to the “on” position.
6. Listen carefully to the audio and be sensitive
of overload distortion and low gain or hiss.
7. Adjust the gain if necessary. Gently insert
the provided screwdriver or other 3/32-in. (2.5
mm) screwdriver into the gain adjustment lo-
cated at the top edge of the battery compart-
ment under the door. The door has to be
opened but not swung upward to make ad-
justments. Turn lightly until the screwdriver tip
drops into the slot on the level control. Gently
turn the control counterclockwise until the
control stops (the audio output is attenuated
but not “off”). Slowly turn the audio level con-
trol clockwise while listening to audio; if the
audio becomes distorted, turn the mic level
control counter-clockwise about 1/8 turn.
2. Turn on the transmitter by sliding the power
switch to its on position. Check the condition
of the battery by looking at the LED below the
power switch. The battery light should flash
once and then go out. If the LED stays on, the
battery is weak and should be replaced.
3. Prepare the audio source by attaching the
lavalier microphone to the user, placing the
headset on the user’s head or plugging the
cable into the instrument (depending on what
type of system you have). Keep the audio
muted while plugging in and adjusting the
microphone or source.
8. Clip the bodypack to the user’s belt or to a
pocket. The bodypack can be positioned hori-
zontally or vertically by moving the belt clip
attachment. Removing the belt clip attach-
ment screw and moving it 90 degrees will
change the orientation.
4. Check reception by observing that the RF
carrier light is illuminated on the receiver’s
front panel.
Figure 5
Figure 6
page 5
nent that contains digital circuitry including digital
signal processors (reverb/multi-effects units),
electronic keyboards, digital lighting controllers,
CD players and computers all emit rf energy that
can affect the performance of your wireless sys-
tem. It is always best to place your receiver as far
away from these devices as possible to minimize
the potential for of problems.
The receiver and transmitter must be tuned to the
same VHF frequency to operate together. Be-
cause of the specialized equipment required to
adjust these units properly, users cannot change
If two or more R100 and/or other VHF/UHF wire-
less systems are being used in the same location,
proper frequency coordination is required to avoid
interference. Frequency mixing and spacing must
be factored along with local TV stations to deter-
mine if conflicts will result from a specific group.
Contact your dealer or Electro-Voice for fre-
quency-selection assistance if you are planning to
add more wireless systems to be operated simul-
taneously in the same location.
Fresh 9-volt alkaline batteries from a quality
manufacturer will yield the best performance from
R100 transmitters. 8.4-volt ni-cad batteries can be
used but will yield much shorter operational time.
When the transmitter switch is turned on, the bat-
tery light will flash one time if the battery is good.
If the light does not flash or stays lit continuously,
the battery is weak or nearly dead. If the light
comes on during use, the battery is weakening
and should be replaced as soon as possible.
There are many potential sources of interference
for your wireless system. Any electronic compo-
page 6
300059000 Clip for OLM10
Receiver Type
Omni lavalier mic w/windscreen and clip
Windscreen for OLM10
Frequency Range (RF)
Unidirectional lavalier mic, windscreen
and clip
ULM20 windscreen
ULM20 clip
Unidirectional headset condenser mic
Spring-adjusted mic stand adapter
Rack-mount kit for two receivers
174.100 – 185.300 MHz
Available Frequencies
174.100; 178.100; 178.500; 179.100
180.200; 183.700; 184.350; 185.350 MHz
Full True Diversity
RF Sensitivity
< .8 uV for 12 dB SINAD
Optional Accessories:
FCC Data Approved under part 15
Rack-mount kit
Audio Output,
120-volt power supply
Frequency Response
20 – 15 kHz + 2 dB
Audio Output Level
230-volt power supply
240-volt power supply
0.775V RMS @ 100 K ohm load
Less than 0.5%
Signal-to-Noise Ratio
>94 dB
Dynamic Range
94 dB
VHF Transmitters HTV, BLV, BPV, BEV, BGV
RF Frequency Range
174.100 – 185.300 MHz
Radiated RF Output
35 to 45 mW typical, 50-mW max.
Microphone Element (HTV)
Electro-Voice MC500 cardioid
Lavalier Microphone (BLV)
Electro-Voice OLM20 omnidirectional
Headset Microphone (BEV)
Electro-Voice HM2 cardioid
Audio Gain Adjustment Range
40 dB
TA4F Connector Wiring (BPV):
Pin 1: Ground; Pin 2: Mic Input;
Pin 3: +5 volt bias;
Pin 4: +5 volt bias fed through a
3 K ohm resistor for 2-wire electrets
Battery Life
8 – 10 hours with 9-Volt alkaline
Bodypack Antenna
Uses microphone cable
Size (Handheld transmitter)
27.3 cm (10.75 in) long
Weight (Handheld transmitter)
10.0 oz / 284 g with battery
Size (Bodypack transmitter)(HxWxD)
4.4 in x 2.6 in x .9 in
111 mm x 66 mm x 23 mm
Weight (Bodypack transmitter)
4 oz / 113.4 grams
FCC Data
Accepted under part 74H
page 7
deliver the product, prepaid, to Electro-Voice or
any of its authorized service representatives to-
gether with proof of purchase of the product in the
form of a bill of sale or receipted invoice. A list of
authorized service representatives is available
from Electro-Voice at 600 Cecil Street, Buchanan,
MI 49107 (616/695-6831 or 800/234-6831). Inci-
dental and Consequential Damages Excluded:
Product repair or replacement and return to the
customer are the only remedies provided to the
customer. Electro-Voice shall not be liable for any
incidental or consequential damages including,
without limitation, injury to persons or property or
loss of use. Some states do not allow the exclu-
sion or limitation of incidental or consequential
damages so the above limitation or exclusion may
not apply to you. Other Rights: This warranty
gives you specific legal rights and you may also
have other rights which vary from state to state.
The Electro-Voice Models BLV, BPV, BGV and
HTV Transmitters are Type Accepted under
United States Federal Communications Commis-
sion Part 74H. The Electro-Voice Models RCV
and GRV Receivers are accepted under the Part
15 Notification Procedure of the Federal Commu-
nications Commission. Licensing of Electro-Voice
equipment is the user’s responsibility and license
ability depends on upon the user’s classification,
and frequency selected. Electro-Voice urges the
user to contact the appropriate telecommunica-
tions authority before ordering frequencies other
than factory preset frequencies.
CAUTION: Changes or modifications made by the
user could void the user’s authority to operate the
Factory Service
Electro-Voice Wireless Systems are guaranteed
against malfunction due to defects in materials or
workmanship for a period of one (1) year from the
date of original purchase. The Limited Warranty
does not extend to cables or cable connectors.
Additional details are included in the Uniform
Limited Warranty Statement.
If factory service is required, ship the unit prepaid
in its original carton to:
EVI Audio Service
600 Cecil Street,
Buchanan, MI 49107
Tel: 616/695-6831 Fax: 616-695-1304
Service and repair addresses for this product:
Telex Communications
8601 East Cornhusker Highway,
Telex Communications
8601 East Cornhusker Highway
Lincoln, NE 68506
Lincoln, Nebraska 68506 (402/467-5321) and
Tel: 402/467-5321 Fax: 402/467-3279
600 Cecil Street,
Enclose a note with your unit describing the prob-
lem along with any other pertinent information.
Buchanan, Michigan 49107
(616/695-6831 or 800-234-6831).
Electro-Voice products are guaranteed against
malfunction due to defects in materials or work-
manship for a specified period, as noted in the
individual product-line statement(s) below, or in
the individual product data sheet or owner’s
manual, beginning with the date of original pur-
chase. If such malfunction occurs during the
specified period, the product will be repaired or
replaced (at our option) without charge. The prod-
uct will be returned to the customer prepaid. Ex-
clusions and Limitations: The Limited Warranty
does not apply to: (a) exterior finish or appear-
ance; (b) certain specific described in the indi-
vidual product-line statement(s) below, or in the
individual product data sheet or owner’s manual;
(c) malfunction resulting from use or operation of
the product other than as specified in the product
data sheet or owner’s manual; (d) malfunction re-
sulting from misuse or abuse of the product; or (e)
malfunction occurring at any time after repairs
have been made to the product by anyone other
than Electro-Voice or any of its authorized service
representatives. Obtaining Warranty Service:
To obtain warranty service, the customer must
page 8
Possible Causes
No audio
Transmitter audio switch is off.
Turn on transmitter audio switch.
Connect, repair, or replace cable.
Disconnected or damaged receiver audio
Transmitter power switch is off.
Turn transmitter power switch on, with level
down on mixer/preamp/amplifier.
Receiver is off.
Turn on receiver.
No (or dead) battery in transmitter.
Insert a freah alkaline battery into
transmitter battery compartment (Duracell
MN 1604 recommended).
Faulty battery contacts in transmitter.
Gain down on mixer/preamp/amplifier.
Clean contacts.
Increase mixer/preamp/amplifier gain.
Increase mixer/preamp/amplifier gain.
Low gain/
Gain not sufficiently on mixer/preamp/
amplifier input.
Receiver audio too low.
Increase receiver audio.
Transmitter audio level too low.
Turn up transmitter audio level.
Turn down transmitter audio level.
Transmitter audio level too ligh, overloading
transmitter circuit.
Receiver audio set too high, overloading the
mixer/preamp/amplifier input.
Turn down receiver audio level.
Insert fresh battery.
Battery level low in transmitters.
Another wireless microphone in the immediate If interference is weak, keep transmitter on
vicinity operating on the same frequency, or
on a frequency that mixes with another
transmitter (such as a TV broadcast
to override interference whenever receiver
is on (or "fade audio on mixer/preamp/
amplifier). If interference is strong, turn off
all other wireless in area to find the one
causing the problem.
transmitter) onto the wireless frequency.
Placement too close to a digital signal
processor or similar device.
Move receiver to another location.
Strong electromagnetic field from stage
lighting or other source near the transmitter or
receiver, producing "rf noise" on or near the
operating frequency of the wireless system.
Repair or remove source of interference.
Short-range or
Faulty receiving antenna system.
Reposition antennas or receiver.
Faulty transmitter antenna.
Return to factory or authorized service
Many rf-reflective metal obstacles between
the transmitter and receiver.
Move the obstacles or reposition the
page 9
R-Series wireless receivers can be rack mounted
with the optional RMR kit. The RMR allows two
receivers to be mounted side-by-side in a single
rack space.
Attach Bracket to Receiver
1. Fold antennas down and insert the R-Series
2. Align the two holes in the bottom of each receiver
with the two holes in the bracket. Secure the
receiver to the bracket with the 2 #6 Plastite
screws provided.
Mounting the Bracket/Receiver on a Rack
1. Secure the bracket to the rack with the 4,
10-32 x 3/8'' screws provided.
2. Fold the antennas up and extend fully. The
antennas should be folded 45 from vertical and
should not touch the antenna on the adjacent
receiver, or any other metal object.
3. Follow the Equipment Set-up procedures as out-
lined in the R-Series receiver instruction manual
for proper set-up and operation of your wireless
microphone system.
page 10
page 11
600 Cecil Street, Buchanan, MI 49107
800/234-6831, 616/695-6831, 616/695-1304 Fax
MANUAL - R100 Series Wireless
©Telex Communications, Inc. 1999 • Litho in U.S.A.
Part Number 535427 — 9902
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