Floor-standing loudspeaker system
Product Summary
If greater efficiency and bass extension are called for then the DM320 with its larger
enclosure and the 3-way system comes into its own.
Equipped with two 8in bass units in a closed box configuration and the acclaimed magnetic
fluid-cooled, light-alloy domed tweeter offers an extended low frequency range with higher
Technical highlights
The use of a aluminium domed tweeter immediately distinguishes the two models. The specially
created 26mm (1in) tweeter enables high power handling to cope with the heavier usage
imposed on modern hi-fi systems. Frequencies in excess of 20kHz are within its range.
Subtle changes to the cabinet such as the tweeter plate, and bevelled front edges of the cabinet,
help produce a dramatically more even frequency response. The B&W tradition of attention to
detail manifests itself other features, such as the reinforced low-frequency driven diaphragm, the
rigid die-cast chassis, and the provision for bi-wiring or bi-amplification.
De scrip tio n
Drive Un its
3-way 3rd-order, closed box digital
monitor system with bi-wiring/ bi-
amplification facility
Fre q u e n cy Re sp o n se 60Hz – 20kHz ± 2dB on reference
Se n sitivity
N o m in a l Im p e d a n ce 91dB spl(2.83V 1m)
1 x 26mm high-frequency with metal
8 ohms
Po w e r Ha n d lin g
Dim e n sio n s
Fin ish
25W – 100W into 8 ohms on
2 x 200mm bass/ midrange with rigid
die-cast chassis, reinforced
polypropylene and 31mm high
temperature voice coil on Kapton®
unclipped programme
Height: 656mm W idth: 262mm
Depth: 280mm
Anthracite, black ash or walnut vinyl
B&W Loudspeakers Ltd reserves the right to amend details of the specifications without notice in line with technical developments. E & OE. All trademarks acknowledged.
w w w .b w sp e a k e m
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