Schneider Electric Marine Radio RS232 ASCII User Guide

Installation and user  
Safety guidelines  
Consignes de sécurité  
If you encounter a problem while following  
the instructions in this manual, we  
recommend that you contact our after-sales  
support service.  
Si vous rencontrez un problème en suivant  
les procédures décrites dans ce manuel,  
nous vous recommandons de consulter  
notre service après-vente.  
Sollte es Probleme bei der Installation oder  
Mißverständnisse in dieser Anleitung geben,  
setzen Sie sich bitte mit dem APC by  
Schneider Electric Kundendienst in  
On request, our after-sales support  
personnel can carry out the complete  
installation of your equipment.  
Si vous le souhaitez, ce service pourra se  
charger de l’installation de votre matériel.  
Il est impératif de suivre  
Es ist wichtig, die Einzelschritte  
dieser Anleitung zu befolgen.  
Ein Nichtbeachten kann zu  
It is imperative that the  
rigoureusement les procédures  
décrites dans ce manuel.  
instructions in this manual be  
followed strictly.  
Gefährdung von Personen,  
Le non respect de ces procédures  
peut entraîner des dangers pour  
les personnes, occasionner des  
dommages sur l'ASI et annuler la  
garantie constructeur.  
Schäden an der Anlage, sowie  
dem Verlust der Herstellergarantie  
Not adhering to these instructions  
may endanger personnel, result in  
damage to the UPS and render the  
manufacturer’s warranty void.  
All repair or maintanance  
Arbeiten, die das Öffnen der  
Geräte notwendig machen, dürfen  
nur von Elektro-Fachpersonal  
durchgeführt werden.  
Toute opération de dépannage ou  
de maintenance doit être effectuée  
par nos services.  
operations must be carried out by  
our after-sales support personnel.  
For more information on the UPS, please  
refer to its "installation and user manual".  
The RS232/ASCII option may be installed  
and operated by any person as long as the  
indications presented in this manual are  
complied with.  
Für weitergehende Informationen zur USV-  
Anlage möchten wir auf die Bedienungs-  
und Installationsanleitung USV hinweisen.  
Die Installierung und Nutzung des RS232/  
ASCII Kommunikationssystems kann von  
jeder Person vorgenommen werden, die sich  
an die Anweisungen des vorliegenden  
Handbuchs hält.  
Pour plus de détails concernant l'ASI, se  
référer au "manuel d’installation et  
d’utilisation" fourni avec l’appareil.  
L'installation et l'exploitation du système de  
communication RS232/ASCII peut être  
réalisée par toute personne se conformant  
aux indications portées dans le présent  
5102907300/AE - Page i  
Consegne di sicurezza  
Consignas de seguridad  
Regras de segurança  
Se incontrate difficoltà seguendo le  
procedure descritte in questo libretto, noi vi  
raccomandiamo di consultare il nostro  
servizio assistenza dopo vendita.  
Se lo desiderate, questo servizio potrà  
incaricarsi dell’installazione del vostro  
Si ocurre un problema al poner  
Caso algum problema se apresente durante  
a execução dos procedimentos descritos  
neste manual, recomendamos consultar  
nosso serviçio apõs venda. Este serviço  
poderá se encarregar da instalação do seu  
material, se você quiser.  
en práctica los procedimientos descritos en  
este manual, le recomendamos consultar  
nuestro servicio de postventa.  
Si así lo desea, este servicio podrá  
encargarse de la instalación de su equipo.  
Es imperativo respetar  
É imperativo que os  
E’ imperativo seguire  
rigurosamente los procedimientos  
descritos en este manual.  
procedimentos descritos neste  
manual sejam seguidos  
rigorosamente le procedure  
descritte in questo libretto.  
No respetar estos procedimientos  
puede acarrear peligro para las  
vidas humanas, ocasionar  
Se non si rispettano queste  
O desrespeito dos mesmos  
procedure puo’ essere pericoloso  
per le persone, cagionare danni su  
ASI ed annullare la garanzia del  
procedimentos pode ocasionar  
perigos para as pessoas, causar  
avarias no aparelho, e anular a  
garantia do fabricante.  
perjuicios a SAI y anular la  
garantía del fabricante.  
Toda operación de reparación o  
mantenimiento debe ser efectuada  
por nuestros servicios.  
Tutte le operazioni di riparazione o  
di manutenzione devono essere  
effettuate dai nostri servizi.  
Toda operação de conserto ou de  
manutenção deve ser efetuada por  
nossos serviços.  
Para mayores detalles sobre el SAI,  
consultar el "manual de instalación e  
instrucciones" suministrado con el aparato.  
La instalación y la explotación del sistema  
de comunicación RS232/ASCII puede ser  
realizado por cualquier persona que  
responda a las indicaciones específicas del  
presente manual.  
Per maggiori dettagli concernente l'UPS,  
riferirsi al "libretto d’installazione e  
d’istruzioni" fornito con questo apparecchio.  
L'installazione e l'esercizio del sistema di  
communicazione RS232/ASCII possono  
essere realizzati da un qualsiasi addetto, a  
condizione che vengano rispettate le  
indicazioni riportate nel presente manuale.  
Para mais detalhes concernentes ao  
aparelho, referir-se ao "manual de  
instalação e de utilização" fornecido com o  
A instalação e a exporação do sistema de  
comunicação RS232/ASCII podem ser  
realizadas por qualquer pessoa que siga as  
instruções do presente manual.  
Page ii - 5102907300/AE  
Indien u een probleem mocht  
Pas på !  
Dersom det oppstår problemer  
tegenkomen terwijl u de handleiding  
doorneemt, kunt u het beste contact  
opnemen met onze service afdeling.  
Op verzoek kan ons after sales support  
personeel de complete installatie van uw  
unit verzorgen.  
Skulle De støde på problemer under  
benyttelsen af apparatet, til trods for at De  
har fulgt anvisningerne i vores  
under utførelsen av operasjonene som er  
beskrevet i håndboken, bør du ta kontakt  
med vår serviceavdeling. Om ønskelig kan  
vårt servicepersonale utføre installeringen.  
Det er ytterst viktig at du følger  
fremgangsmåten som er beskrevet  
i håndboken, til punkt og prikke.  
Operasjoner utført i strid med  
disse retningslinjerne kan  
instruktionsbog, bør De henvende Dem til  
vores kundeservice. Hvis De ønsker det,  
kan vore teknikere foretage installationen af  
vore apparater.  
Het is noodzakelijk dat u de  
instructies in deze handleiding  
strikt opvolgt.  
Det er absolut nødvendigt at følge  
anvisningerne i instruktionsbogen.  
Hvis De ikke overholder dem,  
risikerer De at udsætte Deres  
personal for fare, at apparatet  
bliver beskadiget, og at garantien i  
så fald bordfalder.  
Het niet opvolgen van deze  
forårsake personskader eller  
instructies kan het personeel in  
gevaar brengen, resulteren in  
schade aan de UPS en de garantie  
komt te vervallen.  
skader på apparatet og annullere  
fabrikantens garanti.  
Alle reparasjons-og  
vedlikeholdsinngrep må utføres av  
vårt servicepersonale.  
Alle reparatie- en  
Reparation og vedligeholdelse bør  
kun foretages af vore teknikere.  
Ønsker De mere detaillerede oplysninger  
vedrørende apparatet, kan De finde dem i  
vores instruktionsbog, som bliver leveret  
sammen med apparatet.  
moeten uitgevoerd worden door  
ons service personeel.  
Trenger du flere opplysninger om apparatet,  
kan du slå opp i "Håndbok for installering og  
bruk" som følger med apparatet.  
Installasjon og bruk av  
Voor meer informatie betreffende de UPS,  
zie de "installatie- en gebruikershandleiding".  
Het RS232/ASCII-communicatiesysteem  
kan worden geïnstalleerd en gebruikt door  
elke persoon die de instructies uit deze  
handleiding strikt inachtneemt.  
kommunikasjonssystemet RS232/ASCII kan  
utføres av alle som følger anvisningene i  
gjeldende håndbok.  
Installeringen og brugen af  
kommunikationssystemet RS232/ASCII kan  
foretages af enhver der følger anvisningerne  
I denne manual.  
5102907300/AE - Page iii  
Om Du stöter på problem vid tillämpningen  
av de instruktioner som beskrivs i  
bruksanvisningen, rekommenderar vi att Du  
kontaktar vår serviceverkstad.  
Om så önskas kan personal från denna  
utföra installationen.  
Jos törmäätte ongelmiin seuratessanne  
käsikirjassa kuvattuja toimintaohjeita,  
suosittelemme huoltopalvelumme puoleen  
Halutessanne voimme myös hoitaa  
laitteistonne koko asennuksen.  
On ehdottoman tärkeää seurata  
tarkkaan käsikirjassa kuvattuja  
Det är mycket viktigt att Du  
noggrant följer instruktionerna i  
denna bruksanvisning.  
Om instruktionerna inte följs kan  
materialet skadas och bli farlig att  
använda. Dessutom upphör  
tillverkarens garanti att gälla.  
Reparationer och underhåll får  
endast utföras av kvalificerad  
Laiminlyönti saattaa aiheuttaa  
henkilölle vaaratilanteen,  
laite voi vaurioitua ja rakentajan  
takuu peruuntua.  
Kaikki korjaus-ja huoltotoimet on  
suoritettava oman  
henkilökuntamme kautta.  
Mer utförlig information om  
Laite mukana tulevasta "asentamista ja  
käyttöä käsittelevästä käsikirjasta" löydätte  
lisätietoja laitteesta.  
materialet hittar Du i bruksanvisningen för  
installation och användning.  
Installation och nyttjande av  
RS232/ASCII-viestintäjärjestelmän saa  
asentaa ja sitä saa käyttää kuka tahansa,  
jos kyseinen henkilö noudattaa tämän  
käsikirjan ohjeita.  
kommunikationssystemet RS232/ASCII kan  
genomföras av var och en som följer  
Page iv - 5102907300/AE  
Checking ........................................................................................................... 2  
Storage ............................................................................................................. 2  
Packing ............................................................................................................. 2  
Function ............................................................................................................ 2  
Overview ........................................................................................................... 3  
Configuration of the RS232/ASCII card  
Configuration of RS232 link direction on channel J3 ........................................ 4  
Configuration of RS232 link direction on channel J4 ........................................ 4  
Choosing the "Plug&Play detection"  
or "information operation on mains 2" mode on channel J3 ............................. 4  
Choosing the "Plug&Play detection"  
or "information operation on mains 2" mode on channel J4 ............................. 4  
Installation / startup ......................................................................................... 5  
Connecting status information and RS232 links ................................ 6  
All APC by Schneider Electric products are protected by patents. They implement original technology which is not available to  
other competitors of APC by Schneider Electric.  
To take evolving standards and technology into account, the technical characteristics contained in this document are not  
binding unless confirmed by APC by Schneider Electric.  
This document may be reproduced only with the consent of APC by Schneider Electric.  
Authorised copies must be marked "APC by Schneider Electric RS232/ASCII communication system installation and operating  
manual n° 51029073XT".  
51029073XT/AE - Page 1  
The option you have purchased is made up  
of the following items:  
If the equipment is stored before use, leave  
your communication card in its original  
packing in a dry place (storage temperature:  
–40°C to +70°C).  
The RS232/ASCII communication card  
enables transmission to a computer tool of a  
set of data concerning UPS (Uninterruptible  
Power Supply) operating status. It is  
equipped with two communication channels  
which can be used simultaneously but  
completely independently from one another.  
It complies with the Microsoft™ "Plug&Play"  
standard for PC peripheral identification.  
an installation and user manual for the  
RS232/ASCII communication system;  
an RS232/ASCII communication card;  
an serial RS232 DB9/DB9 communication  
cable compatible with "Plug&Play"  
Comply with current legislation regarding  
disposal of packing material.  
two screws for fixing the RS232/ASCII  
communication card on the UPS.  
Both communication ports issue information  
in the form of an RS232 serial link,  
supported by APC by Schneider Electric’s  
own communication protocol. The software  
contained in Solution-Pac™ enable use of  
the data supplied by this protocol.  
Both communication ports also issue the  
following information on the DB9 connector  
pins (see figure 2, page 12):  
operation on mains (as opposed to  
operation on mains 2 (static switch or  
manual bypass);  
low battery warning;  
operation on UPS;  
operation on battery.  
Page 2 - 51029073XT/AE  
"reset" push  
Fig. 1  
51029073XT/AE - Page 3  
Configuration of the RS232/ASCII card  
Before fitting the card in its slot, you must  
set the parameters for the operating mode of  
channels J3 and J4 according to the  
applications connected.  
Configuration of RS232  
link direction on channel  
Choosing the "Plug&Play  
detection" or "information  
operation on mains 2"  
mode on channel J3  
The following configuration operations are  
position of the Rx reception and Tx  
Detail A of figure 1  
Detail C of figure 1  
transmission signals;  
Rx on pin 3  
Tx on pin 2  
selection of the "contact indication"  
function or the "detection and reply to the  
Microsoft™ Plug&Play signal" function.  
The parameters of the RS232/ASCII links  
cannot be set and are fixed as below:  
2400 Bauds;  
Rx on pin 2  
Tx on pin 3  
Windows 95  
Plug&Play signal  
8 data bits;  
1 stop bit;  
no parity.  
The microswitches of the SA1 box are not  
Choosing the "Plug&Play  
detection" or  
"information operation on  
mains 2" mode on  
channel J4  
Configuration of RS232  
link direction on channel  
Detail B of figure 1  
Rx on pin 3  
Tx on pin 2  
Detail D of figure 1  
Rx on pin 2  
Tx on pin 3  
Windows 95  
Plug&Play signal  
Page 4 - 51029073XT/AE  
Installation / startup  
Warning for Solution-PacTM  
You do not need to power down the UPS in  
order to install the RS232/ASCII  
communication card. This card is directly  
connected to the back of the rack reserved  
for the transverse communication cards. It  
can be inserted and withdrawn without any  
When it has assumed its operating position,  
a "reset" push button and a green LED are  
available to the operator who can then press  
the "reset" button to restart the RS232/ASCII  
When the RS232/ASCII card is placed in the  
back of the UPS rack or after a card reset:  
the green LED flashes regularly every  
second during its startup phase;  
then, during its initialisation phase, it starts  
flashing faster and more irregularly;  
finally, in normal operation, it flashes  
whenever a measurement or status is  
modified in the UPS. If no changes take  
place in the process, the RS232/ASCII card  
remains on standby and flashes regularly  
every 3 seconds.  
According to the important power range of  
the MGE™ Galaxy™ PW UPS family and to  
the power supply quality required by the  
load, the following functions are not allowed  
for those devices:  
schedule On-Off,  
remote Off sequence,  
remote battery test sequence.  
Although these functions are proposed by  
Solution-PacTM softwares, you can't run  
them successfully;  
When the card is connected to a customer  
application, the LED flashes at the same  
pace as data exchange.  
51029073XT/AE - Page 5  
Connecting status information and RS232 links  
The status information (see figure 2) is  
available on the DB9 socket connectors.  
The pins are as follows:  
1. earth,  
4. operation on mains (as opposed to  
Relay breaking capacity:  
Vmax = 30 V  
lmax = 200 mA  
n.o. : normally open,  
n.c. : normally closed  
Connecting the RS232  
See detail B of figure 1 (page 9),  
jumpers JMP1 and JMP2 placed on the  
5. common,  
6. operation on bypass (static switch or  
manual bypass),  
7. low battery warning,  
8. operation on UPS,  
9. operation on battery.  
A remote stopping signal can be transmitted  
on pin 3 of each DB9: a high status (4 V to  
20 V) of a minimum duration of 100 ms  
causes the time-delayed stopping of the  
UPS (absorbed current: 0.5 mA under 5 V).  
Fig. 3  
Caution: the remote stopping signal is taken  
into account only if the UPS is operating on  
battery. This remote stopping function is not  
available on all the UPS.  
See detail B of figure 1 (page 9),  
jumpers JMP1 and JMP2 placed on the left.  
Fig. 2  
Fig. 4  
Page 6 - 51029073XT/AE  

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