Polycom Telephone 1725 17693 210 Rev A User Manual

Web Application Developers Guide  
for the SoundPoint®  
IP/SoundStation® IP Family  
SIP 2.2.0  
August, 2007 Edition  
1725-17693-210 Rev. A  
SIP 2.2.0  
About This Guide  
The Developer’s Guide for the SoundPoint IP / SoundStation IP family is for  
developers of applications which use the Microbrowser on SoundPoint IP /  
SoundStation IP phones.  
The following related documents for SoundPoint IP / SoundStation IP family  
are available:  
Quick Start Guides, which describe how to assemble the phones  
Quick User Guides, which describe the most basic features available on  
the phones  
User Guides, which describe the basic and advanced features available on  
the phones  
Administrator’s Guide, which describes how to configure, customize,  
manage, and troubleshoot SoundPoint IP / SoundStation IP phone  
Technical Bulletins, which describe workarounds to existing issues  
Release Notes, which describe the new and changed features and fixed  
problems in the latest version of the software  
For support or service, please contact your Polycom® reseller or go to Polycom  
Technical Support at http://www.polycom.com/support/voip/.  
Polycom recommends that you record the phone model numbers, software  
(both the bootROM and SIP), and partner platform for future reference.  
SoundPoint IP / SoundStation IP models: ___________________________  
BootROM version: ________________________________________________  
SIP Application version: ___________________________________________  
Partner Platform: _________________________________________________  
Developers Guide SoundPoint IP / SoundStation IP  
Developers Guide SoundPoint IP / SoundStation IP  
This chapter provides an overview of the Microbrowser available on  
SoundPoint IP 330/320, 430, 501, 550, 600, 601, and 650 desktop phones and  
SoundStation IP 4000 conference phone.  
It also provides an introduction to XHTML and guidelines for the application  
This chapter contains information on:  
To develop an application that can run on the Microbrowser, refer to  
Application Development on page 2-1. To troubleshoot any problems with  
your applications, refer to Troubleshooting on page 3-1.  
What is the Microbrowser  
The Microbrowser is like any Web browser—Microsoft Internet Explorer and  
Firefox, for example—but supports only a subset of XHTML features. It can  
connect to Web servers hosted in the Internet or intranet and download  
XHTML pages. The Microbrowser supports a limited number of XHTML 1.0  
features—it does not have full Web browser functionality.  
The Microbrowser downloads XHTML content from a Web server into the  
phone’s memory, then parses the content to identify XHTML tags and renders  
these tags onto the phone's graphic display. The appearance of the rendered  
page depends on the graphical capabilities and display size of the device on  
which the browser is running. Complicated pages should be avoided on  
devices with very small displays.  
The Microbrowser does not support scripting (such as JavaScript). All actions  
on data entered into forms is processed by the server using POST or GET  
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Developers Guide SoundPoint IP / SoundStation IP  
The XHTML pages displayed on the Microbrowser can contain static or  
dynamic information.  
Static XHTML. These pages are created using XHTML editors and hosted by  
the Web server. These pages are accessed from the Microbrowser (using HTTP  
protocol) by entering the URL to access the page. These XHTML pages are  
called static, because the information that is displayed is already coded into  
the XHTML pages. These pages do not include information that keep changing  
or contact other services for update.  
Dynamic XHTML. These pages involves dynamic information updates of  
XHTML pages by an application hosted on the Web server. The application  
residing on the Web server will get information from an intranet or through  
the Internet—data service providers like Yahoo, Exchange Server, Call Control  
Servers and other enterprise servers.  
Users can launch the Microbrowser on a SoundPoint IP or SoundStation IP  
phone by pressing the Services key, or if there isn’t one on the phone, it can be  
accessed through the Menu key by selecting Features, and then Applications.  
As of SIP 2.2, the Services key and menu entry were renamed Applications,  
however the functionality remains the same.  
What is XHTML  
1 - 2  
The Microbrowser is supported on:  
SoundPoint IP 330/320 - screen resolution - 102*22 pixels (3” by 1”)  
SoundPoint IP 430 – screen resolution – 132*46 pixels (3.5”*1.5”)  
SoundPoint IP 501 – screen resolution – 160*80 pixels (4” by 2”)  
SoundPoint IP601/650 – screen resolution – 320*160 pixels (4” by 2”)  
SoundPoint IP 4000 – screen resolution – 240*68 pixels (2.4”*0.8”)  
XHTML is the abbreviation of eXtensible HyperText Markup Language.  
XHTML 1.0 is a transformation of HTML 4.01 into valid XML. The use of the  
stricter XML syntax makes parsing of XHTML much easier for small clients,  
but XHTML 1.0 was also the first step towards making HTML easily  
extensible. Moving to XML allowed the methods used to create XML  
extensions to apply to HTML as well. Step two occurred with XHTML 1.1,  
where XHTML was divided up into ‘modules’, where any features above and  
beyond a skeleton set were grouped into individual modules. User agent (UA)  
developers could then decide which extensions to support. A simple user  
agent can be considered a fully compliant user agent by supporting only the  
Basic module, whereas a more powerful browser can support all the official  
modules, as well as those developed by third parties.  
Modularization is also intended to help content creators. As more and more  
devices become web-enabled, the number of platforms a content creator will  
be asked to support will become unreasonable. By dividing HTML up into  
different ‘building blocks’ content creators can supply a minimal version of  
their site for user agents that only support the Basic module, a moderate  
version of their site for user agents who support the additional modules, and  
a full version of their site for user agents that support the full range of the  
XHTML specification.  
Finally the X in XHTML was intended to help people who wish to extend  
HTML. The use of XML brought a standard grammar with which they could  
define their extension, and the modularization meant that their extension  
would be just another module that a user agent developer or content creator  
could choose to support. Additionally, since XHTML pages should state what  
modules are required to accurately render them, the user agent software could  
dynamically load a ‘plug-in’ that it could use to render a module that was  
defined after the user agent had been originally released.  
For more information, go to:  
XHTML Tables Module -  
For the purposes of this guide, it is assumed that you have experience in  
HTML and XHTML programming or access to someone who has such  
How to Create Applications  
You can design the following types of applications:  
Web browser  
Company directory  
Stock ticker  
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Developers Guide SoundPoint IP / SoundStation IP  
Depending on the type and complexity of the application, you might use one  
of the following tools for creation:  
Text editor  
XML editor  
Microsoft Word  
When designing applications, you might want to consider the following  
These guidelines are for your information only. You are solely responsible for  
determining the suitability and applicability of this information to your needs.  
1. Spend sufficient time designing the application by:  
Developing a conceptual design  
Describe all user-application interactions  
Plan for all user types  
2. Create standardized applications to assist in:  
Lowering design time  
Speed up debugging  
Increasing usability  
3. Promote consistent output and predictable user input.  
4. Create a prototype application to test on sample users.  
5. Thoroughly test your application before releasing to:  
Identify all user interface issues  
Verify that all error conditions are caught cleanly  
For step-by-step instructions on how to develop an XHTML application that  
can be run on the Microbrowser of all SoundPoint IP and SoundStation IP  
phones, refer to Application Development on page 2-1.  
Polycom is not responsible for troubleshooting any programming that you create for  
the Microbrowser.  
1 - 4  
Application Development  
This chapter provides information on supported XHTML elements. It  
describes HTTP support and the Microbrowser user interface. It also describes  
the configuration parameters that can be found in sip.cfg .  
This chapter presents step-by-step instructions on how to develop an XHTML  
application that can be run on the Microbrowser of certain SoundPoint IP and  
SoundStation IP phones.  
This chapter contains information on:  
To troubleshoot any problems with your applications, refer to  
Polycom is not responsible for troubleshooting any programming that you create for  
the Microbrowser.  
Supported XHTML Elements  
The Microbrowser supports a subset of XHTML elements. Most are derived  
from HTML 4.01.  
The supported elements and attributes are:  
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Developers Guide SoundPoint IP / SoundStation IP  
Unsupported elements and attributes are described in Unsupported XHTML  
Elements on page A-1.  
Basic Tags  
The following basic tags are supported:  
<!DOCTYPE>—Defines the document type  
<!--...-->—Defines a comment  
The <!DOCTYPE> declaration is the very first thing in your document, before  
the <html> tag. This tag tells the browser which XHTML specification the  
document uses. XHTML 1.0 specifies three XML document types: Strict,  
Transitional, and Frameset.  
XHTML Strict  
Use this DTD when you want clean markup, free of presentational  
clutter. Use this together with Cascading Style Sheets (CSS).  
For example,  
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"  
XHTML Transitional  
Use this DTD when you need to use XHTML's presentational features  
because your readers don't have browsers that support Cascading  
Style Sheets (CSS).  
For example,  
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0  
XHTML Frameset  
Use this DTD when you want to use frames.  
For example,  
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0  
This tag does not have any attributes.  
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Application Development  
The comment tag is used to insert a comment in the source code. A comment  
will be ignored by the browser. You can use comments to explain your code,  
which can help you when you edit the source code at a later date.  
This tag does not have any attributes.  
Link Tags  
The following link tag is supported:  
<a>—Defines an anchor  
The Microbrowser supports both http://and tel://URL schemes. When a tel://  
URL is selected, the phone switches to the telephony application and dials the  
number specified in the URL. Currently the number is dialed as-is, however, full  
support for tel:// URL parsing as specified in RFC 2806 will be available in a future  
sip://URLs are not supported at this time.  
The <a> tag defines an anchor. An anchor can be used to create a link to  
another document by using the href attribute.  
The following attributes are supported:  
URL (Ex:” www.polycom.com”)  
The target URL of the link  
Names an anchor. Use this  
attribute to create a bookmark in a  
In future versions of XHTML the  
name attribute will be replaced by  
the id attribute.  
Note: This attribute is parsed, but  
not used.  
Input Tags  
The following input tags are supported:  
<form>—Defines a form  
<input>—Defines an input field  
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Developers Guide SoundPoint IP / SoundStation IP  
The Microbrowser supports both the GET and POST methods for submitting forms.  
Nesting forms within tables is supported. However, nesting of one form tag within  
another is not supported and may lead to unexpected results.  
The form element creates a form for user input. A form can contain text fields,  
check boxes, radio buttons and more. Forms are used to pass user data to a  
specified URL.  
The following attributes are supported:  
A URL that defines where to send  
the data when the submit button is  
The HTTP method for sending  
data to the action URL. Default is  
method="get": This method  
sends the form contents in the  
Note: If the form values contains  
non-ASCII characters or exceeds  
100 characters you MUST use  
method="post": This method  
sends the form contents in the  
body of the request.  
Note: Most browsers are unable to  
bookmark post requests.  
Defines a unique name for the  
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Application Development  
The <input> tag defines the start of an input field where the user can enter  
data. In XHTML the <input> tag must be properly closed.  
The following attributes are supported:  
Indicates that the input element  
should be checked when it first  
Note: Used with type="checkbox"  
and type="radio"  
Defines a unique name for the  
input element.  
Note: This attribute is required  
with type="button",  
type="checkbox", type="file",  
type="hidden", type="image",  
type="password", type="text", and  
Indicates the type of the input  
element. The default value is "text"  
Note: This is not a required  
attribute, but we think you should  
include it. If omitted, IE 5.5 will still  
display a text field, but Netscape  
4.7 will not.  
For buttons, reset buttons and  
submit buttons: Defines the text on  
the button.  
For image buttons: Defines the  
symbolic result of the field passed  
to a script.  
For checkboxes and radio buttons:  
Defines the result of the input  
element when clicked. The result  
is sent to the form's action URL.  
For hidden, password, and text  
fields: Defines the default value of  
the element.  
Note: Cannot be used with  
Note: This attribute is required  
with type="checkbox" and  
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Developers Guide SoundPoint IP / SoundStation IP  
Image Tags  
The following image tag is supported:  
<img>—Defines an image  
The Microbrowser supports images stored in uncompressed .bmp format. While all  
BMP bit depths will be displayed to the best of the phone’s ability, it is  
recommended that the image format most suitable for the target platform be  
chosen. For example, the SoundPoint IP 601 LCD supports four levels of grey, so a  
16-color BMP format would be most appropriate.  
Images can be scrolled up and down, however images that are too wide will be  
Various platforms have differing limits due to memory. There are also  
differing pixel limits for devices of differing pixel depth. A 1 bit per pixel  
image 160x80 requires only 1600 bytes. For a 24 bit picture, the memory  
requirement is 38400 bytes.  
There are several limits depending on the source data (this involves the cache  
limits in configuration) and the display converted data, which is dependant on  
available RAM (and is limited in the code depending on platform).  
The img element defines an image.  
The "align", "border", "hspace", and "vspace" attributes of the image element are  
not supported in XHTML 1.0 Strict DTD.  
The following attributes are supported:  
The URL of the image to display  
or ”c:\images\img1.jpg” )  
Pixels (number, EX: “30” )  
Specifies the height of the image  
in pixel or percent.  
Pixels (number, EX: “30” )  
Specifies the width of the image in  
pixel or percent.  
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Application Development  
Table Tags  
The following table tags are supported:  
<table>—Defines a table  
<tr>—Defines a table row  
<td>—Defines a table cell  
<tbody>—Defines a table body  
XHTML tables must be properly formatted (should include <tbody> and </tbody>  
The <table> tag defines a table. Inside a <table> tag you can put table headers,  
table rows, table cells, and other tables.  
The following attributes are supported:  
Aligns the table. Deprecated. Use  
styles instead.  
Pixels (number, EX: “30” )  
Specifies the border width.  
Tip: Set border="0" to display  
tables with no borders!  
cellpaddin Pixels (number, EX: “30” )  
Specifies the space between the  
cell walls and contents  
cellspacin Pixels (number, EX: “30” )  
Specifies the space between cells.  
Specifies the width of the table  
Pixels (number, EX: “30” )  
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Developers Guide SoundPoint IP / SoundStation IP  
This tag defines a row in a table.  
The following attributes are supported:  
Defines the text alignment in cells.  
This tag defines a cell in a table.  
The following attributes are supported:  
Specifies the horizontal alignment  
of cell content  
Indicates the number of columns  
this cell should span.  
Indicates the number of rows this  
cell should span.  
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Application Development  
This tag defines a table body. The thead, tfoot and tbody elements enable you  
to group rows in a table.  
The following attributes are supported:  
Defines the text alignment in cells.  
Meta Information Tags  
The following meta information tags are supported:  
<head>—Defines information about the document  
Due to space constraints, there isn’t a static title bar at the top of the Microbrowser  
window, as there is in most other browsers. The title is displayed in large bold text  
in the first line of the page, and is scrolled off the screen as the focus is moved  
down the page.  
The head element can contain information about the document. The browser  
does not display the “head information” to the user. The following tag can be  
in the head section: <title>.  
No attributes are supported.  
HTTP Support  
The Microbrowser is a fully compliant HTTP/1.1 user agent:  
It supports:  
Cookies are stored in RAM, therefore they are not are not preserved when the  
phone reboots or is reconfigured. Cookies are not shared between the idle display  
Microbrowser and the main Microbrowser.  
Refresh headers  
HTTP proxies  
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Developers Guide SoundPoint IP / SoundStation IP  
Self-signed or custom CA certificates  
There are the following exceptions:  
There is no sophisticated caching. The HTML cache refresh META tag  
is not supported.  
Any images in the body of a document with the same URL are  
assumed to be the same image. The image is loaded from the  
Microbrowser’s memory instead of making another request to the  
When a new page is requested, the Microbrowser’s internal memory  
is cleared and all components of the new page are downloaded from  
the server.  
Microbrowser User Interface  
Two instances of the Microbrowser may run concurrently:  
An instance with standard interactive user interface  
SoundPoint IP 430  
SoundPoint IP 650  
SoundPoint IP 501  
SoundStation IP 4000  
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Application Development  
An instance that does not support user input, but appears in a window on  
the idle display  
SoundPoint IP 430  
SoundPoint IP 650  
SoundPoint IP 501  
SoundStation IP 4000  
Launching the Microbrowser  
The first time the Services key is pressed, the main Microbrowser loads the  
homepage specified in the mb.main.homeconfiguration parameter.  
Subsequent presses of the Services key simply toggle between the  
Microbrowser and SIP telephony applications. The active page remains loaded  
in memory when you toggle.  
Whenever there is an event in the telephony application that requires the  
user's attention, the telephony application is brought to the foreground  
The Microbrowser can be displayed again by simply pushing the Services key.  
While the Microbrowser application is not displayed, it is still active and  
pending transactions will complete in the background and be immediately  
visible when the browser is brought to the foreground.  
Navigation and Form Editing  
The user navigates through pages by moving the focus among the focusable  
items with the up and down arrow keys. Focusable items include links, form  
elements, and buttons. The focus moves between all focusable items on a page  
in the order that they appear in the XHTML source, including tables. For  
newly displayed pages, the focus will automatically move to the first focusable  
item visible on the current page.  
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Developers Guide SoundPoint IP / SoundStation IP  
When the user has focused on a link that they would like to follow, or a form  
element they would like to toggle, they press the Select key. This will either  
generate a request for the linked page or toggle the selection of an element in  
the form. When the focus moves to fields which are editable, the user may  
simply enter text at will, then move the focus to the next selectable item when  
complete using the up and down arrow keys. If there is a large area of the page  
without a focusable element, the page is only scrolled by one screen for each  
push of the arrow key.  
To submit form data, navigate to and select a submit button on the page or  
press the Submit soft key when available.  
The Back soft key takes the user to the previous page viewed. The left arrow  
key performs a similar function unless the user is editing a text field. The  
Refresh and Home soft keys behave in the expected manner, reloading the  
current page and returning to the user's home page respectively.  
Text is entered into text boxes using the dial pad through the same entry  
method used elsewhere on the phone. When editing text, a soft key allows the  
user to cycle through uppercase letter, lowercase letter or numeric entry  
modes. A Cancel soft key is available to undo the current edits.  
Idle Display Microbrowser  
The idle display Microbrowser is independent of the main Microbrowser, but  
is capable of rendering the same content. Its homepage is configured via the  
mb.idleDisplay.homeconfiguration parameter. The idle display  
Microbrowser does not accept any user input and will only appear when the  
user has no phone calls in progress and the phone is in the idle user interface  
state. The idle display Microbrowser can update its content based on a  
configurable refresh timer or by honoring the value of the Refresh header.  
Developing an XHTML Application  
Changing Configuration Parameters  
You must modify the sip.cfg configuration file so that users will connect to  
your application when they press the Services key (or select the Services  
feature item).  
To allow an application to be run from the Microbrowser:  
1. Open the sip.cfg configuration file in an XML editor.  
2. Locate the Microbrowser <mb> parameter.  
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Application Development  
3. Change mb.proxyto the address of the desired HTTP proxy to be used by  
the Microbrowser.  
For example, mb.proxy=  
where is proxy server IP address and 8080 is the port number.  
4. Change mb.idleDisplay.hometo the URL used for Microbrowser idle  
display home page.  
For example,  
5. Change mb.idleDisplay.refreshto the period in seconds between  
refreshes of the idle display Microbrowser's content.  
For example, mb.idleDisplay.refresh=10  
6. Change mb.main.hometo the URL used for Microbrowser home page.  
For example,  
7. Change mb.limits.nodesto the maximum number of tags that the XML  
parser will handle.  
For example, mb.limits.nodes= 256  
8. Change mb.limits.cacheto the maximum total size of objects  
downloaded for each page (both XHTML and images).  
For example, mb.limits.cache= 200  
For more information on configuration parameters, refer to the SIP 2.1  
Administrator’s Guide.  
Sample Application  
This section presents two sample applications that you can use as a starting  
point for writing your own application.  
To develop a static XHTML application:  
1. Create a Sample.xhtmlpage with static information to be displayed.  
In this case, the static information will be "Hello World!".  
<title>Sample Application</title>  
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Developers Guide SoundPoint IP / SoundStation IP  
2. Configure the Web server to serve the above XHTML file.  
For example, if you are using Apache Tomcat to try this example, then put  
this file into the webapps\PLCM folder of Tomcat.  
3. Configure SoundPoint IP and SoundStation IP phones to point to the  
XHTML file in the sip.cfg configuration file.  
For this example, change mb.main.home to  
4. Reboot the phones.  
5. On a SoundPoint IP phone, press the Services (or Applications) key.  
The text “Hello World!” appears on the graphic display.  
To develop a dynamic XHTML application:  
1. Create a AddStock.xhtmlpage.  
This XHTML page is designed for getting a stock symbol as input from the  
SoundPoint IP or SoundStation IP phone, then retrieve the information for  
this stock symbol.  
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">  
<!- - HEADER START - ->  
<!- - HEADER END - ->  
<!- - BODY START - ->  
<form method="POST" action="GetQuote.jsp">  
<p>Symbol<input type="text" name="stockname"/>  
<input type="submit" value="Get Quote"/></p>  
<!- - ADD STOCK FORM END - ->  
<!- - BODY END - ->  
2. Configure the Web server to serve the above XHTML file.  
For example, if you are using Apache Tomcat to try this example, put this  
file into the webapps\PLCMfolder of Tomcat.  
3. Write an application that is going to retrieve the stock information from a  
data service provider.  
For this example, this application will be retrieving stock information from  
Yahoo and will send it to the Microbrowser. This application is written  
using a Java Server Page (JSP).  
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Application Development  
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>  
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"  
<title>Stock Quote</title>  
String bmpFilePath = application.getRealPath(File.separator) +  
String stockUrl = "http://ichart.yahoo.com/t?s=";  
String stockSymbol = "PLCM"; // DEFAULT TO PLCM  
if ( request.getParameter("stockname") != null ) {  
stockSymbol = request.getParameter("stockname");  
readAndConvertContentToBmp(stockUrl + stockSymbol, bmpFilePath,  
private void readAndConvertContentToBmp(String a_stockUrl, String  
a_filePath, String a_name) throws IOException {  
try {  
BufferedImage stockImage = ImageIO.read(new URL(a_stockUrl));  
ImageIO.write(stockImage, "bmp", new File(a_filePath));  
catch (IOException ex) {  
throw ex;}  
<img src="quote.bmp"/>  
4. Configure the Web server to deploy the above JSP file.  
For example, if you are using Apache Tomcat to try this example, put this  
file into the webapps\PLCMfolder of Tomcat.  
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Developers Guide SoundPoint IP / SoundStation IP  
5. Configure SoundPoint IP and SoundStation IP phones to point to the  
XHTML file in the sip.cfg configuration file.  
For this example, change mb.main.home to  
6. Reboot the phones.  
7. On a SoundPoint IP phone, press the Services (or Applications) key.  
The AddStock.xhtmlappears on the graphic display.  
8. Enter a stock symbol, then select the Get Quote soft key.  
The stock quote for the entered stock symbol appears on the graphic  
Static and dynamic XHTML applications can be developed using any Web server.  
Even though Tomcat is used in the example, the developer is free to use any Web  
Dynamic XHTML applications can be developed using any Web technologies—for  
example, ASP.net, Java Servlets, Java Server Pages, CGI-PERL, and PHP.  
2 - 16  
This chapter presents problems, likely causes, and corrective actions.  
Problems are grouped as follows:  
If you still need assistance, contact your system administrator.  
XML Errors  
Corrective Action  
Correct the improperly formatted table.  
Improperly formatted tables  
could cause the phone to stop  
and restart or display the error  
“XML Error (17,75) mismatched  
A table tag was improperly  
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Developers Guide SoundPoint IP / SoundStation IP  
3 - 2  
This appendix provides information on unsupported XHTML elements.  
Unsupported XHTML Elements  
The unsupported elements and attributes are:  
Tag Type  
Tag Description  
Basic Tags  
<html>—Defines HTML document.  
<body>—Defines documents’ body.  
<h1> to <h6>—Defines header 1 to header 6.  
<p>—Defines a paragraph.  
<br>—Inserts a single line break.  
<hr>—Defines a horizontal rule.  
<b>—Defines bold text.  
Character Format Tags  
<font>—Deprecated. Defines text font, size, and color.  
<i>—Defines italic text..  
<em>—Defines emphasized text.  
<big>—Defines big text.  
<strong>—Defines strong text.  
<small>—Defines small text.  
<sup>—Defines superscripted text.  
<sub>—Defines subscripted text.  
<bdo>—Defines the direction of text display.  
<u>—Deprecated. Defines underlined text.  
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Developers Guide SoundPoint IP / SoundStation IP  
Tag Type  
Tag Description  
Output Tags  
<pre>—Defines preformatted text.  
<code>—Defines computer code text.  
<tt>—Defines teletype text.  
<kbd>—Defines keyboard text.  
<var>—Defines a variable.  
<dfn>—Defines a definition term.  
<samp>—Defines sample computer code.  
<xmp>—Deprecated. Defines preformatted text.  
<acronym>—Defines an acronym.  
<abbr>—Defines an abbreviation.  
<address>—Defines an address element.  
<blockquote>—Defines a long quotation.  
<center>—Deprecated. Defines centered text.  
<q>—Defines a short quotation.  
<cite>—Defines a citation.  
Block Tags  
<ins>—Defines inserted text.  
<del>—Defines deleted text.  
<s>—Deprecated. Defines strikethrough text.  
<strike>—Deprecated. Defines strikethrough text.  
<a>—Defines an anchor.  
Link Tags  
The following attributes are not supported: charset,  
coords, hreflang, rel, rev, shape, target, type, id, class,  
title, style, dir, lang, xml:lang, tabindex, and accesskey.  
<link>—Defines a resource reference.  
<frame>—Defines a sub window (frame).  
<frameset>—Defines a set of frames.  
Frame Tags  
<noframes>—Defines a noframe section.  
<iframe>—Defines an inline sub window (frame).  
A - 2  
Tag Type  
Tag Description  
Input Tags  
<form>—Defines a form.  
The following attributes are not supported: accept,  
accept charset, enctype, target, class, id, style, title, dir,  
lang, and accesskey.  
<input>—Defines an input field.  
The following attributes are not supported: accept, align,  
alt, disabled, maxlength, readonly, size, arc,  
type:button, type:file, type:image, class, is, style, title,  
dir, lang, accesskey.  
<textarea>—Defines a text area.  
<button>—Defines a push button.  
<select>—Defines a selectable list.  
<optgroup>—Defines an option group.  
<option>—Defines an item in a list box.  
<label>—Defines a label for a form control.  
<fieldset>—Defines a fieldset.  
<legend>—Defines a title in a fieldset.  
<isindex>—Deprecated. Defines a single-line input  
List Tags  
<ul>—Defines an unordered list.  
<ol>—Defines an ordered list.  
<li>—Defines a list item.  
<dir>—Deprecated. Defines a directory list.  
<dl>—Defines a definition list.  
<dt>—Defines a definition term.  
<dd>—Defines a definition description.  
<menu>—Deprecated. Defines a menu list.  
<img>-Defines an image.  
Image Tags  
The following attributes are not supported: alt, align,  
border, hspace, ismap, longdesc, usemap, vspace, id,  
class, title, style, xml:lang, and lang  
<map>—Defines an image map.  
<area>—Defines an area inside an image map.  
A - 3  
Developers Guide SoundPoint IP / SoundStation IP  
Tag Type  
Tag Description  
Table Tags  
<table>—Defines a table.  
The following atrributes are not supported: bgcolor,  
frame, rules, summary, id, class, title, style, dir, lang,  
and xml:lang.  
<caption>—Defines a table caption.  
<col>—Defines attributes for table columns.  
<th>—Defines a table header.  
<tr>—Defines a table row.  
The following attributes are not supported: bgcolor,  
cahr, charoff, valign, id, class, title, style, dir, lang, and  
<td>—Defines a table cell.  
The following attributes are not supported: abbr, axis,  
bgcolor, char, charoff, headers, height, nowrap, scope,  
valign, width, id, class, title, style, dir, lang, and  
<thead>—Defines a table header.  
<tbody>—Defines a table body.  
The following attributes are not supported: align:justify,  
align:char, char, charoff, valign, id, class, title, style, dir,  
lang, and xml:lang.  
<tfoot>—Defines a table footer.  
<colgroup>—Defines groups of table columns.  
<style>—Defines a style definition.  
Style Tags  
<div>—Defines a section in a document.  
<span>—Defines a section in a document.  
Meta Information Tags  
<head>—Defines information about the document.  
No attributes are supported.  
<title>—Defines the document title.  
<meta>—Defines meta information  
<base>—Defines a base URL for all the links in a page  
<basefont>—Deprecated. Defines a base font  
A - 4  
Tag Type  
Tag Description  
Programming Tags  
<script>—Defines a script  
<noscript>—Defines a noscript section  
<applet>—Deprecated. Defines an applet  
<object>—Defines an embedded object  
<param>—Defines a parameter for an object  
A - 5  
Developers Guide SoundPoint IP / SoundStation IP  
A - 6  
application development process 2–12  
meta information tags  
supported 2–9  
unsupported A–4  
definition 1–1  
idle display 2–12  
launching 2–11  
overview 1–1  
basic tags  
supported 2–2  
unsupported A–1  
block tags  
unsupported A–2  
Microbrowser <mb> 2–12  
character format tags  
unsupported A–1  
navigation and form editing 2–11  
configuration parameters, changes to 2–12  
output tags  
unsupported A–2  
frame tags  
unsupported A–2  
programming tags  
unsupported A–5  
HTTP support 2–9  
sample application  
dynamic 2–14  
static 2–13  
style tags  
unsupported A–4  
image tags  
supported 2–6  
unsupported A–3  
input tags  
supported 2–3  
unsupported A–3  
supported XHTML elements 2–1, A–1  
table tags  
launching Microbrowser 2–11  
supported 2–7  
link tags  
unsupported A–4  
troubleshooting 3–1  
XML errors 3–1  
supported 2–3  
unsupported A–2  
list tags  
unsupported A–3  
Index – 1  
Developers Guide SoundPoint IP / SoundStation IP  
unsupported attributes A–1  
unsupported elements A–1  
XHTML, definition 1–2  
Index – 2  

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